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I vaguely remember Hub climbing over me to get out of bed early in the morning and Liv coming in some time later only to be shuffled out again. Then it was 10am and I was wide awake, not really remembering the last time I’d slept in, truly uninterrupted. I was greeted with a chorus on “Happy Mother’s Day!” and had bakery donuts and coffee waiting for me. Man, I love bakery donuts. Hub and I watched CBS Sunday morning and read the paper and later on he and the kids made me chocolate chip pancakes. Then, they left for the day leaving me on my own to do whatever I wanted.

For a while, I played Tetris on our old N-64 that we hooked up over the weekend. Then I took a long, hot bubble bath. I had a snack and read for a while. I rested a bit, but couldn’t sleep. And then because I wanted to, not because I had to, I finished up the informational pamphlet I was working on for our PTA. Bored, I called to see where Hub and the kids were. He used the gift certificate we got him for his birthday to buy a rocket, and they were heading to the park. I grabbed the dog and met them there. Of course, we lost the rocket on the third launch, but it was fun just the same.

Hub went home to start dinner, and the kids and I hung around for a few minutes before we walked home. I tried to get a nice picture of the 3 of them and this was the result. Bud refuses to smile in photos these days.

At home, Hub made me fish and roasted broccoli, and they all gave me my gift—a fountain for the garden. After the kids went to bed, Hub brought out super fancy frosted brownies that he’d picked up, and we had those with coffee. I’m in a sugar coma today, but it was really a fantastic day.

I’m pretty sure I’m the luckiest girl in the world.

2 responses »

  1. I think you probably are. I had a nice day, but yours sounded nicer.

  2. I may or may not have just sent this link to my husband with a note that says "PAY ATTENTION".Happy (belated) Mother's Day!


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